Mary Doumany

4pm, Sunday 16th October 2016

Mary Doumany
Publicity Material

Poster (PDFJPG)
Leaflet (PDF - 3up) 

One of the most original voices in the Australian arts community, Mary Doumany is a cross-arts practitioner renown as a composer, harpist and singer, and is rapidly earning a reputation as a creator of unique and innovative works that encompass music, text and visuals.

At nineteen, Mary secured the principal position with the Australian Youth Orchestra, remaining with them for four years. Playing both lever and pedal harps, she has performed with the Sydney, Melbourne and Queensland Symphony Orchestras, and her extensive orchestral experience encompasses opera, orchestral, ballet and music theatre repertoires.

She made her solo debut for ABC Radio with Debussy’s Danses Sacree et Profane at age twenty, and has since performed widely as a recitalist, festival guest, and chamber ensemble musician. Solo performance highlights include performances at the City of London Festival and Artcore (Paris); the 2006 International Harp Festival held in Adelaide, where Mary was the top billed Australian performer, alongside jazz virtuoso Park Stickney (USA) and classical specialist Isabelle Perrin (France); and as the featured soloist at the 2008 Australian International Harp Festival in Canberra.

Today, Mary’s solo performances are typically jazz-based, featuring both standards and original works. With improvisation a driving passion, her performances enrapture audiences with their sheer technical skill and creativity.

At Humph Hall Mary will perform a concert of gorgeous original music from her suite 'The Elements'.  These pieces are performed by harpists in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the US.  They are included in the Trinity College Harp Syllabus.  Visit Mary's web site.

Quiet Angel Workshop

Prior to the concert at 1pm, Mary will conduct a 'Quiet Angel' workshop during which musicians and non musicians playing in a circle, learn to produce a wonderful, relaxing 3D web of healing sound.  In the first half of the workshop, participants will play 3 or 4 special notes from the harmonic overtone series on the instrument of their choice, while in a deeply meditative state.

Then, following a break, they will come back together and take it in turns to take their place in the centre of the floor to receive a 3D vibrational sound massage.

"A voice that is fire and ice..." - Clifford Hocking


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